SinceToday / PuruPuru facial mask

"Refresh Your Day SinceToday"

SinceToday is a new brand of beauty and care products focusing on the international markets, featuring the simplest, purest, safest, and most effective way to enhance beauty and confidence. It stresses that anyone can make every day wonderful, starting today.

SinceToday 是一個著眼於國際市場的全新美容保養品牌,使用最簡單、純淨與安全有效的方式提升美麗和自信,強調任何人都能從今天起,開啟美好的每一天。

Regarding the brand identity design, we chose a simple but rich-in-detail font and used the “T” in italic as the link in between, meaning starting “today”. And the design for the packages of the flagship products, the facial masks from the PuruPuru series, is based on the common concept of moisture and crystal clarity. The three colors, blue, red, and green, represent moisturizing, whitening, and repairing. The outer boxes are designed with spot varnish to create glossy effect and a feeling of moisture. Moreover, we extend the overall style of the brand to the website and outdoor advertisements by presenting them in a modern fashion that is concise and refreshing.

在品牌識別的設計上,我們以簡單但富有細節的字體與傾斜的「T」字作為前後連結,表現自「今天」開始之意。而關於主力商品 PuruPuru 系列的面膜包裝,則是以水潤、清透為共同概念,使用藍紅綠三色分別代表保濕、美白與修護,並且在外盒運用了局部上光來呈現光澤與濕潤感。至於網站與戶外廣告,我們也延續了整體的品牌調性,以簡潔清爽的現代風格呈現。

Year / 2021

Client / SinceToday

Category / Branding • Packaging Design • Web Design

Creative Director / Arron Chang

Photographer / Dean Wu

SinceToday / PuruPuru facial mask
SinceToday / PuruPuru facial mask
SinceToday / PuruPuru facial mask
SinceToday / PuruPuru facial mask
SinceToday / PuruPuru facial mask
SinceToday / PuruPuru facial mask
SinceToday / PuruPuru facial mask
SinceToday / PuruPuru facial mask
SinceToday / PuruPuru facial mask
SinceToday / PuruPuru facial mask
SinceToday / PuruPuru facial mask
SinceToday / PuruPuru facial mask
SinceToday / PuruPuru facial mask
SinceToday / PuruPuru facial mask
SinceToday / PuruPuru facial mask
SinceToday / PuruPuru facial mask
SinceToday / PuruPuru facial mask
SinceToday / PuruPuru facial mask
SinceToday / PuruPuru facial mask
SinceToday / PuruPuru facial mask

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