Inhouse Group is a hotel boutique brand with four annexes in Taipei and Taichung, Taiwan. During the process of rebranding, the most difficult thing to do was to develop a brand new identification system based on the overall style without making changes in the current decorations of the hotels.
薆悅集團 Inhouse Group 是一家旗下擁有四間分館,分別位於台灣台北與台中的精品酒店品牌。在品牌重塑的過程中,最大的困難點便是在不更動飯店現有裝潢的前提之下,建立可融合於整體風格的全新識別系統。
For this purpose, we first designed a staid main identification image with a sense of space by combining the “i” from the brand name with “H”. We also created a series of icons and an indication system using the same line elements. Finally, more modernistic boutique atmosphere was achieved through the multiplication of the simple symbols and the natural-style materials from the hotels themselves.
為了達成此目標,首先我們將品牌名稱的 I 與 H 結合,設計出穩重與空間感兼具的主要識別圖形,並以相同的線條元素創造了一系列的標誌符號與指示系統。透過簡潔的符號與飯店本身自然風格材質的相乘,最後完成了更具現代與摩登感的精品氛圍。