Because year 2015 meets Chinese year of goat, we decide to use this as the subject to design primary vision of New Year greeting. On the concept, we combined the shapes of Chinese characters "goat" and 'year', and match with double meanings of the phonograms “GOAT” and “GOLD”, integrate them to a special literary image; together with the pattern which comes from the decomposition and arrangement of Chinese strokes, then complete a series of theme product packages to present to our clients.
由於 2015 年適逢中國的羊年,我們便決定以此為主題設計賀年的主視覺。概念上使用了「羊」與「年」的中文字外型做結合,搭配「GOAT」與「GOLD」諧音字的雙重含義,整合成為一特殊的文字化形象;加上分解排列中文筆畫而成的 pattern 圖樣,最後完成了一系列贈與我們客戶的主題產品包裝。